Updated on November 15th, 2024 from my townhouse in the burbs
📍 SE Australia
Life in general
- Wrist/hand surgery was done last week, and I am in recovery mode. Typing this is slow and laborious, but I am itching to do SOMETHING. I am rapidly getting frustrated with having to do everything left-handed.
- Our two Siberian forest cats continue to do high-speed passes over the bed at odd hours of the morning.
- We continue to enjoy our empty nest as my sons establish their own lives. We ensure they know the door is always open and shared meals are cherished.
- I have completed the first draft of my book about what it’s like to be married to a Royal Marine and how to stay married to a soldier in general. Now onto nailing down the structure and then on to the editing.
- Lamenting my lack of blogging lately. Too much else going on!
- I mostly create for my own amusement and capture my life one sketch at a time. I take the occasional commission if time allows and the subject interests me.
- Currently experimenting with left-handed drawing, and immobile right-handed drawing. It’s a challenge!
- For this year’s deep work, I am reading Randy Elrod’s The Quest and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s From Ageing to Sageing and continuing to heal old wounds as I go.
- There’s not a lot of reading happening at the moment, but I am enjoying a Gilmore Girls marathon while I recover.
- Before my surgery, I had been getting back into playing guitar after a 10-year hiatus. It will be a few months before I can get back to it.
What I’m thinking about
- A change of scenery.
Hat tip to Derek Sivers for the /now idea. Now pages are for sharing real life.